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8-week Introductory Series

This 8-week course is designed to introduce (or refresh) the teachings and practices of mindfulness meditation to improve well-being.  No experience necessary.


Topics covered include:


What is mindfulness?, Mindfulness of the body, Mindfulness of Emotions, Compassion, Metta (Lovingkindness/friendliness), and more.


Each week will include instruction, guided meditation practice, and Q & A/sharing. 


The final class will be a half-day, silent retreat practice

(4 hours including breaks)


Upon receipt of registration and payment, a Zoom link and syllabus will be provided.


Scholarships available.




This drop-in meditation group (sangha) is for beginners and experienced meditators. 

Each session will include a guided meditation, a dharma talk (dharmette/short teaching), and sharing.


2023 Begin Again Series

Jan 9 - Feb 27, 2023

@ 5:00 PM (ET)


Though these teachings are freely given, the tradition of

dana (generosity) is gratefully accepted and appreciated.  When we give freely from the heart we feel a sense of joy, and connection. 


Generosity may be offered using venmo @dharmamumma,  Zelle ( or by check.  Contributions are an expression of generosity and gratitude for the teachings offered.  Additionally dana (generosity) supports teacher development and scholarships.


To participate in Mindfulness Mondays please register by the prior Sunday.  Late registrations may be missed.  Only one registration is necessary for entire series.

Once registered you will receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link for the entire session..



Out of the Box


A mindful,

guilt-free look

at racial blind spots.

​NEW Series (space is limited)

Wednesdays, Feb 9 - Mar 16, 2022 7:00-8:15 PM (ET)

For those committed to “seeing with fresh eyes” this 6-week series is meant to educate and awaken participants to systemic racism while being supported in mindful awareness practices. 


Each week participants will discuss the articles, podcasts and videos presented in the syllabus.


Sliding fee $75-$150, a portion of fees offered

will be donated to support anti-racist organizations.

Register below.  Payment by venmo @dharmamumma

A course Zoom link will then be provided.


Facilitated by Paula Reardon-Webster, M.A.

and Lauren E. Rubin, M.A..  Both are trained mindfulness teachers and longtime practitioners

Private sessions available

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